U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary
Flotilla 8-7 AOR

7th District
Division 8 Flotilla 8-7
Englewood, Florida

(Lemon Bay -- Placida Harbor on Florida's Gulf Coast)
Blue Underline

Group picture of all the Staff Officers for the Flotilla
Staff of Flotilla 8-7
Designation: Name: Office:
FC William Earnest Krulac Flotilla Commander
VFC Steven Gordon Vice Flotilla Commander
FSO-CM Charles Edward Mills Communications
FSO-CS Graham Leadbetter Communication Services
FSO-FN Graham Leadbetter Finance
FSO-HR Douglas Allen Ledgett Human Resources
FSO-IS Douglas Allen Ledgett Information Services
FSO-MA Douglas Allen Ledgett Material
FSO-MS Jerry W.Powell Marine Safety
FSO-MT Dane Hahn Member Training
FSO-NS Slavek Pardo Navigation Systems
FSO-OP Charles Edwarsd Mills Operations
FSO-OP-Air Graham Leadbetter Air Operations
FSO-PA Steven Gordon Public Affairs
FSO-PE Dane Hahn Public Education
FSO-PV Jerry W.Powell RBS Progran Visitor
FSO-SR James Pitney Secretary/Records
FSO-VE Douglas Ledgett Vessel Examiner
FSO-AS Laszlo Apathy AUX Scout
IPFC Charles Edward Mills Immediate Past Commander
Fellowship Vacant Fellowship
Historian Vacant Historian
Lay Leader Jerry Powell Layleader
Monofilament Vacant MS/Monofilament
Sgt. at Arms Vacant Sergeant at Arms